Total Noob --- Hayward sp2607x102s dual speed pump for Above Ground 24' round pool

Taylor kit is AMAZING !!! I feel so much more confident now!!! Thinking ahead, get the winterizer kit on here? Should be get a balloon as well?
You’ve been a godsend my friend!!!

Winterizing kits may be difficult to get because some chemicals are not allowed to be shipped - but stay tuned! :slight_smile: Balloons (pillows) are good to get as well, especially for folks in the northern climates. But don’t worry about winter just yet - that’s like asking what’s for dinner when you haven’t had lunch yet! :rofl:

We have a lot of trees around the pool, so a lot of crazy #$# falls in the pool. I vacuum daily. Phosphate level is about 200-400ppb. Fluctuates according to pool store results.

I’ve been use about 50 fl oz of 12.5% of chlorine everyday…

Get it to 8ppm at night. Then by the night time the next day we’re at 4.2. Seems like most people are using significantly less, but I’m wondering if it’s because I’m near trees and such?!?!

Have two and half pucks in the floater to try to help…CYA still comes in under 30 with Taylor kit, even though pool stores showing 35.

Everything else is good!!!

So I did a test last night…I think the issue I’m finding is that the Chlorine has lessen in effectiveness…I keep the case in the garage which isn’t the coolest place, plus I have no idea how long they’ve been sitting on the shelves…I tried to raise to 8.0 last night…it only got up to 7.4/7.6 [based on the taylor kit and pool calculator] …so my guess is that it’s not at it’s most potent level…

That is possible - liquid chlorine can degrade by half in as little as 60 days at 77 degrees. Keep it cool and keep it out of the sun as much as possible. (Per White’s Handbook of Chlorination).

Look for dates on chlorine bottlers and get the freshest stuff you can find.

I’m confident that

A) cya is still low
B) chlorine is not at 100%
C) sun is brutal

Got water tested …everything looks good…I’ll just amp the amount a bit …

You might want to bump up the stabilizer if you are in full sun but it will make your required chlorine level go up as well.

Try the overnight chlorine loss test (if you have the test kit) to be sure the algae is gone. That’s a lot of chlorine to lose in 24 hours…

Ok…been like this the entire time since clear…pass the OCLT many times, but will do one tonight since I’m working in the mornings now, be a lot easier…will keep you posted.

Taylor is still showing me UNDER 30…i don’t fully trust this sheet…and my pH is showing 7.5


If you pass the OCLT then no worries! Trust the Taylor readings more than anything or anyone else - add some stabilizer or use your Dichlor or Trichlor tablets until you get it where you want it to be. Dichlor will lower your pH a bit but pH generally drifts upwards as time goes by. I would not worry about it unless it starts to hit 7.2.

Yup…our garage is really hot…once i get a new batch…going to leave it in the cool basement…plus there is no manufacture date on the chlorine…not sure how old, but i also dont keep it in good conditions…if potency of chlorine is my biggest issue , I’m not too concerned…we’ll see tonight with OCLT…

Yeah…bad batch…9PM I put in enough to get it up to 8ppm from 5ppm…only got to 6.4 ppm (which is the exact amount would have been if I used 5% chlorine)…still test tomorrow morning…

That’s pretty fast degradation though…

6.2 this morning …all good …will buy my liquid elsewhere and store I. Cool basement

My local pool store has great (as in fresh and reasonably priced) liquid chlorine. has a great post on decoding various manufacturing dates for liquid chlorine. Maybe that will help you find some fresh stock.

And, to be honest, I store mine either outside in the Florida heat or in my equally hot garage. I know better, but I still do it. :grin:

Brought her kiddies for a dip…

Opened a new bottle…suppose to get to 40 drops, got 39 drops. Got to 7.8 ppm. Much better. Maybe just a bad batch.

Cute picture - but tell them No Deer Allowed! :rofl:

You will eventually find the “trick” to get good chlorine, whether it is by deciphering the dates or finding the store that regularly gets new stock in.


CYA is S-L-O-W-L-Y going up…when I first did the CYA a little while back…I could see the dot the entire time…now I feel it up and can’t see the dot, but it’s past the 30 mark…I have two tablets in…so in theory, it should go up around 6 more…Taylor doesn’t give you too many tests since it takes 7 ml each time…I think I have enough for two more…so I’ll wait til these tablets dissolve and test a couple days after that…I can live with burning off 3-4 ppm of chlorine everyday. I don’t want to go out and by the liquid stuff when we have the tablets…

I’m definitely going to be a lot more particular about where I buy my chlorine now…

In good news…running the pump 24/7, the electric bill went up only $40…Very manageable, and that’s with some AC going on too…At low speed, I think we’re good at 24/7…once I get a few more seasons under me, I may use that timer we have…

Pool pump motors are a large consumer of residential power, but it will be significantly cheaper if you have it on low speed. That’s where variable-speed pumps and motors really shine - and some states are mandating variable-speed pool motors.