Total Noob --- Hayward sp2607x102s dual speed pump for Above Ground 24' round pool

Not sure if perfect square 5.5" x 5.5" or 5.5" x 6" …i’ll measure at home, but those HOLES are exact same…

Thank you…higher end/name brand always preferred.

It looks like you have a Hayward SP1091ES skimmer but I don’t believe that model is still in production. The Hayward Above Ground Pool Skimmer SP1091LX should be able to replace it and fit into that opening, but please double- check! The dimensions are listed in the images we have online.

Great detective work…I’ll do my measurements when I get home if not raining and then measure the new slat opening when it arrives, then we should be good to go!

Thank you again!!!

Got the new slat in the mail today. Brought the slat to the pool shop. SP1091LX did indeed fit. Bought it!

As precautionary, I think I’m going to buy a few extra slats just in case we discover some surprises when we put new liner in.

Thanks for the detective work…Brand new slat is nice!!! Wish I could replace them all…strong as ox, these slats!!!

“They don’t make 'em like they used to”. Those older pools last darn near forever when they are properly maintained. I’m glad to hear everything worked out!

Ain’t that the truth…bought 6 extra slats and the return jet slat, it’s starting to deteriorate. Doing the best I can get to get 20 more years out of this pool!!! Like you say, “they don’t make 'em like they used to.”

Thanks again for all your help…

Looking to purchase this liner:

Talk to me about gauge — I know it’s thickness…Is thicker always better? 25 sufficient?


A heavier gauge vinyl liner will be a little bit more difficult to work with because it’s heavier. The lighter-weight vinyl is going to be a little easier to install (it will be lighter than the thicker liner) and it’s going to stretch a little bit more.

Is one more durable than the other? I doubt it. Five additional gauge in the thickness will not make a significant difference with a pet’s sharp nails or anything else that might pierce the liner and create a leak.

They will both fade at the same rate from the sun or aggressive pool chemistry, so they will be the same cosmetically.

Roger 10-4…perfect sense!!! Thanks for explanation.

I guess there is no EASY way to patch a hairline crack without draining the water below the skimmer…we may just ride out this season, with the drip…last year with skimmer and liner…


Leaving soon for vacation…Going away for 7 days. How much can I ‘superchlorinate’ the pool? I’m going to try to get my neighbor to stop by twice to pour some chlorine.

What can we do to help our chances of coming home to a blue, clear pool?

Thank you!

That’s a good question since you certainly don’t want to come back home to a swamp.

Before you leave, raise your chlorine level to your SLAM or shock level - and maybe even a bit above that (I’m assuming no one will be in the pool while you are gone). Have the neighbor add your regular “daily dose” while you are gone, or double that if they will do it every other day. Be sure to give them the fresh chlorine since you know how it can degrade and they won’t be testing the water.

Starting at SLAM level will ensure that everything should still be fine even if a dose is missed while you are gone. Check it when you get back home to be sure they didn’t overdose it to be sure it is safe to swim in, and have a great vacation!


Perfect! Thanks for the info!!! I think we’re on the same wavelength…It’s starting to get a little cool here in Upstate, NY …averaging just 1-2 ppm loss per day. I’ll bring it up to 14 ppm, and then have two jugs of chlorine pre-measured for Tues / Thursday…hopefully, come back to clean pool.

Thanks for the help!!!

I noticed my ph loves to stay at 7.7 while my TA loves 100…anytime I add like 10 oz of muriatic acid, the ph will get down to 7.5, but the next evening it will be 7.7 again. I just thought it was fascinating how that is the SWEET SPOT. I rather have 7.7 consistently than bouncing everywhere. Just an interesting observance these past two months.


Since we’re replacing the skimmer, we might as well replace the Return fitting…

I feel like I need this:

But, I feel like there are more parts that I need …please advise.


That return was meant for an inground pool - you probably need something like this Deluxe Return 1" Eye - Waterway (550-9340). Did you get the new skimmer yet? There may be one included with that (pretty much all of the AG skimmers have return jets included).

HA…I opened the box, and there it was…too funny. Glad I asked! I would have never known that.


You should come up next May and install the new slats, liner, skimmer and return jet!!! It’ll be sooo much fun!!! It’ll be a blast! :slight_smile: !!!

How nice of you to share the fun! Projects like this are pretty rewarding - you’ll have a beautiful new liner in your pool and it (hopefully) will not need any additional servicing for years to come.

I’ll check with the boss - but don’t hold your breath! :slight_smile:

Ha…love it!!! I wish I didn’t have TWO left hands so I could take a try at it, but definitely going to let the professionals take care of these projects, but very excited to see it all come together next summer!!! I really feel like this pool could still have a couple decades in her!!!


Looking at liners…

This is the exact design we have now…Thinking about going with the same design at 25 gauge…

no idea about the company…price seems fair compared to what I’ve seen…

Anything I need to think about when purchasing a liner…how far in advance should I purchase it?

Since we’re talking about liners…

Should I look into

Wall Foam?
Cove moulding at the base?
Floor pad?

Please advise,