Variable Speed Motor Replacement for Tristar Maxrate Pump

Looking for a variable speed motor for my Tristar Maxrate pump(SP3200Z26) S.F 1.10.The motor is a century SP3210Z1M (part # 7-F56AA12A04-24) Frame Y56Y 230/115V 1.50 hp, type CX.serial - 09717J2ML050004193.I want to reuse the housing . Also need to know if to change the seal for saltwater. thanks

Hello Bobby - Thank you for contacting Inyo. The variable speed motor replacement for your SP3210Z1M (7-F56AA12A04-24) is model ECM16SQU.

The shaft seal should be replaced when you change the pump motor. The salt water shaft seal is part number 5250-250.