Valve Names

My spa overflows into the pool, when running.  I’ve noticed that we are losing water.  I turned the flow off to my spa, and during a week, it has drained about halfway down.  I haven’t noticed any loss of water in the pool, not like it has been.  The level of the spa water, normally is about  8-10” higher than the pool water.  With the spa flow off, the water has drained down, and the spa water level is about 2 - 2 1/2” lower than the pool level.  I was told that the “back-flow” valve might be leaking.  Is that the same as the check valve?  I can see where that check valve is, and i have never seen any sign of it leaking.  Would there be another valve underground that could be leaking?

Yes, the check valve is the same thing as the back-flow valve. The check valve is the most common reason for a spa to drain lower than normal. You wouldn’t notice water leaking outside of the check valve. It would drain through the pipe and back to the pool.

We covered this topic on one of our Poolside Chat videos.