PREFACE - I know you will probably want to waive all liability for an answer to this question, but I will ask anyway.
I used a Nexa Chlor salt chlorine generator for a 3800 gallon pool last season, and it worked well…very well, actually. The electrode unit failed after a winter in a spa (potentially dropped on concrete), so I now have this 18V 2.0A power supply and I cannot find a replacement electrode. Also, I really like the thought of putting an electrode inline next to the pump. It is hard to justify $600+ for a nicer system on a 4k gallon pool, and I don’t need the lights and alarms. Do you have any thoughts on a salt cell, especially inline, that can be used with my existing power supply? I know that there may be connector compaitbility issues. Thanks.
Hi Pokey11,
I really think the least expensive route for you would be a New Nexa Chlor Salt System this website has one on sale for $177 Nexa Chlor Salt System
Thank you, and I tend to agree. This saga started with me seeking to replace the whole unit. However, I have ordered a couple of them from separate stores only to have the ordered cancelled due to out of stock issues. I will check the link provided. Thanks, again.
Thanks, Pokey11 let us know how it goes.
I just checked, and Patrick’s link is good to Salt Chlorine Generators, but the “buy now” link on the website goes to a dead Amazon link. Also, the store on Amazon where I purchase the unit early last year has the item listed as currently unavailable. And, a third store shows them as being discontinued. No luck on eBay, either.
If someone knows a source for a Nexa Chlor system or equivalent, I’m a buyer. Also open to other Non-Hazardous ways to use the existing power supply. thanks.