I have a B130 A.O. Smith 2 HP motor. I would like to look at the options of 2 speed or variable speed motor to replace it. If you please, what are the motors that are compatible with my current pump = Jandy Stealth, Model No. JHPU 2.0; serial No. GO4FL1252?
Hello Cejames - We’d be glad to assist you. A 2-speed option for your B130 motor is model B2979. The 2-speed motor does not come with a switch for the high and low speeds. You could add the optional toggle switch. The part number is 17590450.
The variable option would be model ECM27CU. This would be the most energy efficient option.
OK…great…thanks. Another question, how about the efficient motor option, what is the model number - i failed to ask that question.
Also i have an issue with the clearance on the motor with the variable and most likely the 2 speed given there is a box sitting on top of the motor - anyway to get those motors without the box on top?
The single speed energy efficient option would be model B809.
Unfortunately, the variable speed does not come without the box on top. The two-speed option I recommended (B2979) does not have a box but it does have a capacitor on top.
Again thanks Rob for the quick response…Does the B809 energy efficient motor need a 2 way switch as well? I was hoping it did not - a manual switch won’t work for me and i don’t want to pay a motor that requires a box on top to program.
I was assuming the energy efficent motor ran at one speed and just used less electricity vs. the a.o. smith B130.
Lastly, which GO kit is needed for the B809?
The B809 is a single speed motor and does not require a switch. You were correct about the B809 running on fewer amps than the B130.
The tune-up kit for the Jandy JHPU pump is GOKIT77.
Thanks Rob, I ordered both just now. I appreciate your help. The best on-line help i have ever received. You deserve a raise.
Haha. I’ll pass on your suggestion to the higher-ups. Thank you again for shopping with Inyo!
Let us know if you need any further assistance.