Total Noob --- Hayward sp2607x102s dual speed pump for Above Ground 24' round pool

Let’s hope that helps!

Keep the chlorine at 12 or higher due to the stabilizer (CYA) level. Feel free to go over; if it lowers 6 points over the course of the day then add enough to raise it to 18 before you leave for work.

Bleach can be anywhere from 6% to 12% - and it degrades just by sitting on the shelf, so there is no hard and fast rule of how much to add, but 10% liquid bleach will raise the chlorine level in 10,000 gallons by 10.

Roger 10-4…

Watch a good video:

Even at 12-18 PPM…I can get in there and scrub and vacuum right? My skin won’t fall off, correct?

Correct! SLAM levels of chlorine are still safe to swim in. Or get in the pool and clean in.

CYA dropped a bit (to 24)…still continue ride it all the way!!!

Yesterday…I rubbed the walls with a towel and got a lot of brown gunk off the walls…

Today — A little brown gunk off…

Everyday…I’ve been getting what I believe is some sand and some other gunk (not sure it’s dead algea or sand)…like 1/4 cup after vacuuming for 30 minutes [battery operated with telescopic pole in the pool]…

Chlorine dropped to just under 11, but got it back up…

any advice…just keep the chlorine at SLAM level is the plan? Scrub and vac [and backwash when needed]?

I put in 3 gallons of 12% chlorine in tonight because it’s going to be scorching hot and sunny tomorrow and we have work all day, I won’t be home until 6ish…hopefully, this is not an issue…

Do I need to add any CYA acid?

I’m very nervous 3 gallons last night was too much…

Don’t be nervous - you will be surprised at how quickly the CL level drops.

You had mentioned earlier that you thought a lateral might be busted in the filter and you keep vacuuming sand up… The pool will need the filter to be in good operating condition to clear the water up. I hate to give you chores to do, but maybe checking the filter would be a good weekend project…

Do not add any more CYA (Stabilizer) or you will have to increase your baseline of chlorine. You can add more after you are done.


I don’t know if the 1st dude messed up installing the brand new filter or not…seems hard to believe…but you never know…people say…sand can look like dead algae…im going to try the panty hose test over the jet too, but will contact our other pool guy to come look at it to make sure all is good (if available)…no way i trust myself to unscrew that valve off and check the later and fingers…

I’m hoping it was just sand i never picked up the first time that may have been floating around the pool…there are NO OTHER SIGNS that the filter isn’t doing what it’s suppose to be doing, but worth investigating for sure…

Wife is about to sledgehammer the whole thing down and sell for scrap metal…Breathe, breathe, breathe…

I could almost see the vaccum in the pool at the bottom…before i couldn’t see the VAC BAG at all, so we’re making some progress…gotta keep going…

no chemicals from here on out…unless chlorine somehow drops below 12…

scrub walls
scrub floor

let’s go!!!

I will also take a closer look today when I vac…see what comes out and closely examine what is picked up…wish me luck, brother…i need a few prayers!!!

45 minutes of vacuuming…


Seems very little but no idea what it is…sediment sand dead algae, a combo??? Is that a lot, a little…no idea…just a noob trying to resurrect a pool for my girls…

As I was scrubbing the walls, I actually could see my hand clearly pretty deep…Keeping fingers crossed …walls don’t feel slimy anymore…

That is GREAT to hear (the non-slimy walls and being able to see through the water part).

How is the filter doing? It might be compromised if the pressure is not rising… You should be seeing some fairly dramatic improvements in the water clarity at this point in time.

So…i haven’t seen the pressure go up more than 1PSI …I don’t really like those gauges…before when it was really bad…I could tell by water jet pressure if it needed to be backwashed…

I did the pantyhose test, put it around the jet to see if anything would come out, but I got nothing in the pantyhose…

But, again, the PSI hasn’t gone up substantially in a week (since I had all that sand and leaves on the pool floor and other foreign objects)…

Someone is coming Sunday to check out…

Chlorine dropped a lot more than I expected after pouring 3 gallons…tested this morning at pool store, and just added a half gallon of chlorine to get it to SLAM LEVEL

I put my hand in to use a test strip, I can see my entire arm clear as day…so we’re going in the right direction…

Rich, coach me to the finish line…

Chlorine at SLAM level
Check on Sandfilter?

Anything else I need to be doing…

This helps with the math a lot…

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! There is nothing wrong with the website you linked, but we highly recommend for pool calculators and other general advice. It is free and full of incredibly helpful, knowledgeable people who have no agenda other than helping you get your pool in tip-top shape. I’ve been a member there for a long time.

So my test results from morning and post work…add chlorine each time, will add more tonight before bed…

No huge differences…combined chlorine made a little jump in the afternoon…I was in there running around, scrubbing, sweating, etc…

Vacuum picked up VERY VERY little amount of debris today…I’m pretty sure the filter is doing it’s job…I think the PSI guage just stinks…I cleaned out the basket in the pump…so much pollen, and we get these helicopter things …now i see why people don’t have trees near their pools…pollen is intense…skimmer sock would need to change constantly…might only use on the weekends when I can monitor more closely…

I can stick my hand in the water, while standing up, I can see it clearly under the water, prolly the entire length…

We’re getting there…I’m trying SLAM at CYA 30 / FC 12…what’s the wiggle room here???



Get me to the f’n finish line…Chlorine looks like it held up overnight, the sun seems the be only thing killing it…

There seems to be a small brown cloud dust hovering at the center of the pool.

I’m going to scrub walls, floor, and vac…I also run in a circle for like 15 minutes to keep things moving…let me know if stupid, does nothing, or wasting time or not good for circulation…

I can the bottom a little more clearer…we’re getting there…let’s f’n go!!!

Can see the entire vacuum down there…i spotted where the badminton racket was…metal stain the size of the head of the racket (worry about later)…slowly becoming clearer and clearer…perimeter is crystal…just need the middle to go BOOM!!! Will test chlorine before pool store closes…will keep you updated.