Looking for top rail for Garden Leisure Oracle pool 21’ round
If your Oracle model has a total of 15 top rails, the replacement is part number 39333. The new top rail is straight but it will replace the older curved rails.
The 24’ model has 17 top rails. Are you positive that it is 21’ and not 24’?
I counted the rails last night and they are 17 each. 52" long and 8" wide holes are 3" apart. so I’m not totally sure but I thought it was Mfg. Gardlen Leisure model Oracle
It does look like an Oracle model. Have you measured from wall to the opposite wall? The measurement would be taken from inside wall to inside wall.
I can but do you know if you would have those if it is a 24’ ?
Part number 39333 will work with 21’ pools with 15 top rails as well as 24’ pools with 17 top rails.
So the curved are not available anymore?
The curved top rails are no longer available.
Dang the problem is that the deck is built for the curved rails and if we put the straight ones we have to redo deck and replace all rails not just the 5 we need. I know it’s not your problem but wish there was someway to get intouch with Garden Leisure about this. Pool is only maybe 6 years old.
Garden Leisure is made by Wilbar. Wilbar set up a site where pool owners can request parts. The website is MyPoolWarranty.com.