Salt System Installation Help


I have 2 questions regarding switching to a salt system.

  1. I have a 14,600 gallon pool. Will a 15,000 gallon system be sufficient?

  2. Below is an image of my line after the filter. There doesn’t seem to be a straightforward way to install with the existing setup. Can you provide recommendations?

  1. The salt systems are rated for a certain gallonage in a perfect environment. Most people have pools that are exposed to the elements as well as swimmers. We always recommend oversizing the salt system. You’d want to go with a system that is rated for 20k or more.

  2. You could cut out that Zodiac/Nature2 system. That would give you enough straight pipe to install the salt cell.

Thanks for the reply.

Follow up question. Is it worthwhile to keep the Nature2 and use it for mineral distribution in addition to a salt system?

Thanks for your help!


The Nature2 has benefits. It will allow you to keep the chlorine level much lower, while still keeping the pool clean.