Look for some advise on what to do with this pump. Just the other week it started making a real high pitch noise while running. Been in the house a year and a have and have no history on the pool equipment. Actually had the liner replaced this past summer.
The pump is exposed to the elements in South Alabama. I intend to cover it here shortly. The stickers on the pumps are extremely faded but I’ll add what I can here. I know the pool is about 25000 gal but I couldn’t tell what the plumbing is like to calculate what pump I’d need.
Pump Model _ _ _ A5D-12OL. First three may be P2R What I can tell is it is a Sta-rige Dura-Glas
Motor is not original: U.S. Motor 1081 Pool Motor
Cat No. EUSQ1102
Model No. C55CXKLS-5006
H.P. 1
S.F. 1.25
HZ 60
RPM 3450
I’m not sure if any other info is needed but with these pictures is it worth while replacing the motor or the complete pump and which one for either