Pump replacement - P2RA5F-125L / new USQ1102 motor

I  have an old pool pump P2RA5F-125L with a new motor USQ1102 (6 months old). The pump cracked and leaks under pressure and will not stay primed. 1st option is replace the just the pump unit to match the existing new motor. 2nd option is buy a new combined pump/motor setup. I cannot find just a pump unit replacement without motor.

Building the pump unit from replacement parts I risk not choosing the correct part (impeler, back seal) to match my needs. Maybe with your assistance I can buy all the correct parts. It must match the performance of my old pump, using the existing motor.

Otherwise, I can buy a compatible pump/motor setup. I need your assistance on which one. I’d like to stay with same pump brand using 2 inch input/output.

Can you recommend the correct parts list to go with the USQ1102 motor OR the compatible new pump/motor unit replacement?

Thank you, -David