Ok here we go again!!
started with a 1hp 220vac in ground pump it finally kicked the bucket.
replaced it with a 1.5 hp VS pump and it lasted 4 months then it melted down!
replaced it with a 1.5 hp single speed pump it lasted 2 weeks and smoked the windings.
I am thinking that restrictions on the suction line due to wifey not cleaning the external basket causes this one?!? I was out of town when it went down of course!
So my power is good my ground is good I have sufficient surge protection on my panel.
could it be the crappy 1.5" pvc they used many moons ago and the fact that the basket was full of leafs?
so the question is should I get a 1 hp single speed pump or a 1.5 VS pump and lower the rpms? Or does it matter?
looking for guidance!!