Here is a picture of my pump it won’t prime I replaced the motor 2 weeks ago and it was working fine but just stopped priming and can’t figure it ou
Hi RandyG,
The first things I would do are as follows…
- Backwash your filter (a dirty filter can cause priming issues)
- Get a soapy bottle of water and spray all of the fittings on the intake side of the pump to see if you can find an air leak, you will see the bubbles getting pulled into the leak. Also spray the lid of the pump, unions of pump and drain plug on pump.
- I would also read this article on How to Trouble Shoot Why My Pool Pump won’t Prime this article has a few other things to check.
Could you also supply us with the information off the label of your old motor along with the information on the new motor to make sure the proper motor was replaced?
If the items above are not the issue then you would get huge benefit by getting rid of the two 90’s in your plumbing on the intake side of your pump as well as any of 90’s on the discharge side of the pump between the pump and the filters. Each of those 90’s are really hurting you as far as how well the pump will output water. Even if you can replace the 90’s with 45’s you will get a huge benefit, you can also look into using flex pipe in those sections instead of rigid pvc as it gives you some more play. I hope this helps and please report back to us.
Thank You