Pool Pump Suggestion

Hey all, 
My pump has gotten to the point where it is obnoxiously loud and I wouldn’t be surprised to have the police knock on the door to talk to me about a noise complaint from any one of the 25 neighbors in my neighborhood. I have a 1.65 SF Pentair Whisperflo WF-4 currently. I want to replace the pump with a variable speed to save on electricity…should I replace the whole pump or just the motor. What are things to look for to determine if this fix is motor only compared to the whole pump? Also I have the aqua logic control system, would I need to have a pump that could communicate with that system or are they plug and play(currently Pentair and Hayward anyway)?

After reading for the past two days about GPM, SF, HP, Head I have no idea if I have the right pump installed. First off there are different size pipes, all pipes going to the to the pump and after the SWG are smaller than the piping directly leaving the pump. Could be normal, I just don’t know??? Also it’s a 33,000 gallon pool with a Pentair quad d.e. 60 filter. Anyways, any help you can provide with suggestions on a new pump would be greatly appreciated! 

Picture of current pool setup. Pool Pump Setup

Picture of current pump Pump information

Hello Payczech - If the pump housing is in good shape, we would recommend replacing the motor. We would recommend the 1.65HP variable speed motor. The part number is ECM16SQU. The electrical connections would be the same on this motor as your current single speed motor. You could connect this motor to your current Aqua Logic system. It would be close to a plug and play situation. You would have to program the speed run times at the motor.

We also recommend replacing the seals when you replace the motor. The seal kit for the Pentair Whisperflo is GOKIT32SALT.

Thank you for the response.  I beleive my current motor is a 56Y and this is a 48Y, does that matter at all?

Also, my filter is approximately 27 feet from the pool with 1.5 inch piping.

Thank You,


The frame will not matter on this motor swap. The 48Y will work with the Whisperflo mounting plate.