Pool Equipment Upgrade

I want to upgrade my pool equipment and I need some advice!  All the equipment works OK. The Chlorinator is new and the Jandy Filter keeps the water very clean (it is probably oversized for my 12000gal pool + spa).  A full list of existing equipment

Hayward H250FDN

Hayward SP2810X15

Intermatic Control RC2163BFE

Jandy CS200

The property is a rental so I’m not looking for the Rolls Royce solution or to be able to link in the pool & spa lights

etc, but

  1. I want to change the single speed pump to variable speed (it is getting old and variable speed will save energy)

  2. I would like control over the heater (on/off & temp) so I can monitor if guests are altering the settings

If I was changing the lot I would probably go for a Jandy setup with the iAqualink, but I would prefer to change the pump and controller now and keep the heater until it finally dies on me (2 membrane PCBs have been replaced in the last 2 years so I’d like some use from them)

What pump would you recommend? - I’m less interested in the bells and whistles than reliability and costs.  I used to like Pentair until I learned that if the $20 membrane keypad goes it needs a new $600 drive unit, plus my Pentair Intelibright LED pool light has failed in under 2 years and they are not honouring what I was told was a lifetime warranty!  I’ve also seen Jacuzzi pumps, a good brand but they don’t seem popular in Florida so service and spares could be a problem.

Controller - If I went with a Jandy pump and iAqualink controller, could that interface to the heater now (on/off & temp control). Even if it isn’t perfect now, when I upgrade the heater later I could change to Jandy which would then work with the iAqualink.

Would another option be to go for a pump with smartphone control ?  I don’t need the pump and heater integrated into a single app if that simplifies things.

Altenatively, have you heard of HeatReader - it is a pool controller designed to retrofit to any pool equipment, but it only has single speed control for a pump (which is crazy!) but it looks like it would provide a basic timer for a pool pump (I assume it could be programmed to power up the pump which would then run through a preprogramed sequence) and the heater controls.  At $1K it isn’t cheap and I’m not sure the company behind it are big enough to last. If you have any knowledge of this or similar systems it would avoid being tied to one manufacturer.

Sorry for so many questions - It is a complex area!

Hello Scooby7 - We’d be glad to assist you. Rather than having separate apps for the pump and heater, we would recommend having one centralized control. Something like the Zodiac/Jandy Z4 with iAqualink could control a variable speed pump and your Hayward heater.

Listed below are the components you would need for pump and control system.

Unfortunately, I had not heard of the HeatReader before you posted about it. We have not received any feedback on that system.

Brilliant thanks - that gives me a lot to go through.  To be honest I did not think the iAqualink would be able to control the Hayward heater or I would not have been looking for other options. I will find an installation manual and see how that is achieved.

FWIW I think HeatReader https://www.heaterreader.com/ have an interesting product for the retro fit market, but it is too expensive and they are too small.  My guess is they will either get bought out or fold as so many good Tech firms do

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Might there be any compatibility issues betweent the Jandy iAqualink and the Hayward equipment? I’m in the process (still researching) of trying to incorporate an automation system into my pool equipment - I mainly have Hayward equipment though (Hayward Pumps, Hayward Heater, Hayward actuators) and considering getting an AOP alternative sanitizer (either Del AOP or Hydrorite UVO3). Obviously, the simplest thing to do is stick with Hayward Omnilogic - unfortunately, I’ve read terrible reviews and was hoping to incorporate Jandy iAqualink. Please let me know your thoughts. I appreciate your time. Thanks.

I haven’t made the upgrade yet due to problems with finding a pool tch who understands the controller. It seems most are fitted by enthusiastic owners rather than the pros,but I did contact Zodiac about compatability with the heater and they said that as that model had a 2 wire control (whatever that means) it would be OK.

I did find Zodiac support very helpful