Polaris Booster Pump PB4 Overheating


The pump run for ±20 minutes then turns off. The breaker and timer remained on, the pump is the only device to shut down. After a short period of cooling down the pump comes back on and shut down once again after ±10 minutes. Pictures are attached for pump details. Pump is about 10 years old. Please let me what could have possibily gone wrong. Thank you.

I recently bought a brand new Polaris booster pump because my 8 year old pump was doing the same thing. Unfortunately my new booster pump is doing the same. Will run for 30 minutes get extremely hot and shuts down, cools off turns on. Looking for help on this also. Everything hooked up correctly 230 volts hook up and inlet and outlet hooked up. Need help

There are a few reasons why the motor could run hot and turn off. Listed below are a few guides/articles that explain what to look for.

How to Troubleshoot a Pool Pump Motor - Motor Shuts Down

How to Determine Why a Motor Won’t Start or Shuts Off

How to Troubleshoot a Pool Pump Motor - Motor Overheated

How to Test a Pool Pump Capacitor The replacement start capacitor for your B625 motor is part number 5270-11.