I just had my pool remodeled (equipment installed on 6-18-18) and they installed a Pentair Ichlor30. Per the manual the power center can also run the Intellichlor series which I belive is the newer line of SCG from Pentair.
My question is once my Ichlor30 wears out in a few years does anyone know if the Intellichlor series is a direct replacment (same lenght, same unions, etc) or will I mostly likly have to make some plumbing modifications to make the new one fit? I can not seem to find any dimensions anywhere for either item. If it matters I would replace it with the Intellichlor 40 but I am sure all of the Intellichlor are the same lenght. No rush on answering this as there wont even be salt in my pool for 4 more weeks (requirment from NPT Stonescape Pool Finish). So it will most likly be years before I need a replacement just mostly looking for anyone who might have some first hand experince with this.