I am currently installing a San Juan Atlantic Deep pool, and a SJ Royale Spa. 11,300 and 700 gal. respectively. They will each have stand alone systems, pump, filtration, heat. The pool will have: Intelliflo VST@ pump, Clean and Clear Plus 420, Mastertemp 250 HD, and Intellichlor IC40. The spa will have Whisperflo 2-speed pump, CC 150 filter, Mastertemp 250 HD, and IC20. The Spa pump will run 24/7 during the colder months, and I know I will have to run the IC20 on a timer. The pool will be winterized.
I am looking to add automation to my system, and was looking to add Pentair automations to my systems. Looking for recomendations please.
I am a big fan of Inyo Pools. I bougth a new pump and heater from you folks last year (old house). I would have purchased the equipment for the new pool and spa from you, but I was able to get the builder to furnish at the Inyo pricing. If I go the automation route, I will purchase from Inyo.
I also appreciate your support for Trouble Free Pool.
Thanks in advance!
Hello Jim - We would recommend the Pentair Intellitouch system. It would consist of a couple different items. The first would be the load center. There are a couple options. Part number 521215 has the built-in load center but does not include an Intellichlor transformer. You’re pool company may be providing the transformers for the Intellichlors. If not, there is a load center that includes a transformer for one Intellichlor. The part number for that load center is 521213.
The next item you would need is the “Personality Kit”. Since you have two sperate systems, we would recommend the dual equipment system. The model number is 521222.
The third optional item is the interface kit. This would be a hard wired control, a wireless remote or a mobile digital device (smartphone, tablet, etc.).
Note: The Intellitouch system will only control one of the Intellichlor systems. The second Intellichlor system can be tied to the EasyTouch for power but it would not be controlled by the EasyTouch.
I received the recommended items from Inyo, order number 738376. In looking at the directions and schematics, I see that I need a two speed relay for my Whisperflo 2-speed pump, and I don’t see it included. Can you confirm, and if so, what’s the part number?
Hello Jim - The 2-speed relay is not included with the control. The part number for the relay is 520198.