Hi, i have an old americana multiport valve. There is no recirculate or rinse choice. I need to know both. I guessed recirculate would equal the auxilliary circulation notch, but it didn’t seem to do much when i selected it. This is what a new one looks like. Mine has Pac Fab on the bottom and not pentair. mine is in a sylvan pool 1974. on mine you can no longer read the label. Where can i get one of those labels also? thanks.
UPDATE: For anyone else wanting to know this’: after asking other pool sits online i was told “Recirculate” would equal the “auxilliary circulation” notch. I was told “Filter to Waste” would equal "Rinse."
I would still like to get a replacement label, but don’t think there will be any anywhere. Other option is to replace whole top or write the names on duct tape.