New pool

We will be setting up our new pool this weekend, but it will be a few weeks before we can get in, living in Iowa (we bought a wood stove pool heater), but in the meantime do we need to add algicide because we will be using Salt and I dont think we can turn that on until the water gets warmer? and we are concerened about using chlorine bleaching the new pool.


Hi Joepool and congratulations on the new pool!

You should not need to add any algaecide to a new pool. Keep your chlorine levels where they should be and you will be fine.
The liner is made to handle normal pool chlorine levels so there should be no issues there, though, if you use granulated chlorine, you may want to pre-dissolve it so it doesn’t sit in clumps on the bottom of the pool.

Saltwater chlorine generators generally stop working as the water gets cold (60 degrees or less), so don’t worry about starting that up until the water is consistently warm, and certainly don’t depend upon it for sanitization. If you don’t close the pool for the winter, use liquid pool chlorine until it gets warm enough for the chlorine generator to work.

Check out our guide on How To Maintain A Swimming Pool for some great tips on keeping it clean and clear!

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