Hello, I noticed a day or two ago that our pool pump/motor was making a noise that sounds like grinding. I looked it up and it said that most likely the bearings were failing and needed to be replaced. I have attached a picture of what’s on our motor. I have no idea how old it is we bought the house 1.5 years ago, this is the first time we’ve had issues with the motor though- we just bought a new filter this summer.
Would it make sense to replace the motor or just the bearings? Is there a motor model that’s more energy efficient that would be good to replace it with if needed? Are we able to replace it ourselves (my husband is pretty handy)?
Hello Kbugusky,
The most cost effective way to go would be replacing the bearings in the motor. This would involve some labor as well. Here are some links you can view to see how involved it is and if you feel comfortable attempting this. How To: Replace the Bearings in a Pool Pump Motor - Part I and How To Replace the Bearings in a Pool Pump Motor - Part II.
The correct replacement motor for you would be the A.O. Smith 1.5 HP, 56Y Frame, Up-Rate Motor (B2854). The Energy Efficent alternative is the 1.5 HP Motor EE Full Rate (B2842). When ever you change out a motor, we recommend you replace the seals and o-rings. You will need to identify the pump make and model you have. Feel free to attach a picture of the pump information if you would like help finding the parts.

Changing out a motor is not that difficult. We have how to guides in our DIY Resources section if you need help.
Thank you for your question,
Inyo Alan