Need Top Rails for Haughs Infinity 12x24

I think I have found the top rails I am looking for but need to have the part confirmed before I buy them. As far as I can tell from my receipt, I have a 12x24 Haughs Infininty pool and the caps say Atlantic on them. The pool was bought in 1996. The part number I have found is 1450873 from the Rec Warehouse and there are no measurements listed for this part. Need to make sure they are the right size or if you have these parts.

It looks like you have a Regatta model. There were 3 different top rails used along the 12’x24’ pool. Unfortunately, all 3 are obsolete and we do not have a direct replacement.

Part number 1450873 is 56-27/32" long. This is longer than the 3 original top rails. I don’t think it will work.

I am not so sure this is a Regatta model. No where in my original paperwork does it say Regatta. I’m not sure what you mean by 3 different top rails? We had some extra top rails that fit along the sides (all the same size) and there’s 5 end top rails…all the same size. That’s the only 2 sizes that complete this pool. Are you saying that there are 3 different sizes of top rails to build this pool. If so then I have to disagree. Thanks for your input.

It is common for these pools to be sold under different names by different retailers. Below is a picture of the Regatta part diagram as well as a parts list. I highlighted the 3 top rails used on the pool. You’ll notice that two of them are very close and only have a 1/8" difference.