Need to add a union - which one?

I’m getting ready to order my new motor and seal kit, but I need to deal with the intake pipe. As you can see it has been cut and couplers have been installed, but it is getting short. I want to install a union (1.5") that will fit my Hayward Max Flo 1HP pump. It also leaks here when pump is shut off. What do I order?

o put in a union for the Hayward MaxFlo

Hello JMK500 - The Hayward Max-Flo could use the SP1484 pump union. That union is 1.5" MPT on one side and 1.5" slip on the other side.

Thank you!  To get it to fit perfectly, should I thread it into the pump first, then measure, cut the pipe, then glue it in?

First, wrap the threads with teflon tape. Then thread the union into the pump. Finally, you can glue the pvc into the union.

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I redid my sprinkler system, so I am a bit familiar with gluing PVC.  I do have trouble when they say dry fit to measure, because the parts don’t fit together the same as when you put glue on them.  I don’t have much room for error on this pipe and it has to be exact or the pump doesn’t line up correctly with the pipes going to the filter.  It can be kind of fun to do if you like puzzles and aren’t in a hurry.