major or on stains on walls

We have iron in the water and have major stains. We tried metal free so no metal is in the water. We put 3 1.75lb bottles of stain free in a 40k gunite pool. Any ideas?

Hello Bubbah - We recommend using a Stain ID Kit. The kit comes with 3 different chemicals. One or a combo of a couple chemicals will remove your stains. You can order the correct amount of chemicals once the stain is confirmed.

Thanks a bunch. I had it ID’d here at a local store. Its iron.  this is what it looked like to start…

Hello Bubbah - Below are the directions for an iron treatment.

I used 4 bottles of this. Seems to be the exact same instructions as Jack’s. This is what a pool guy said his wholesaler recommends.

It may take a combination of chemicals. That’s why we usually recommend the Stain ID Kit. It includes 3 chemcicals and detailed instructions on how to use a combo if necessary.