During a bad wind storm recently, a large tree limb fell on the side of the pool braking one section of the top cap. It’s on the short end with the curve so I need to replace one section. We’ve had the pool maybe 12 years & it seems 15x33 is an odd size. Below is a pic of the broken piece. The model is Concerto.
Hello Joy - It looks like you have an Aqua Leader Allegro. The top cap is part number 1030013A00. You can view all of the available parts on the Allegro 15’x33’ Parts Page.
Thanks. I was told by the dealer who sold me the pool 12 years ago it’s not the Allegro, it’s the Concerto. Also, I don’t need the top cap (grey piece), I need the top rail. In the pic, that is what is broken, not the cap.
Sorry, Joy. The title said, looking for a top cap. The Concerto and Allegro use the same top rails. It’s hard to tell from the picture, are the top rails a light gray or a pearl (light beige) color?
I was asked the same question by someone else & I’d have to say pearl as they are white & not grey at all.
The top rail used on the curved sides of the pool is part number 1010002A00. The top rail used on the straight side is part number 1010002A70.