My pool light was working but the ring that holds the light in the niche had gotten badly rotted, while the kids were playing in the pool the light fell out and down to the bottom of the pool. I turned the breaker off at the box and set the light on the deck, now its time for me to figure out how to fix it. I thought REPLACING it would be the way to go (my pool man son showed me how, very simple) but… clearly my dad had replaced the bulb years ago, but being the cheap skate that he was (God love him) he only replaced the bulb. He used a TON of clear silicone to seal the fixture back up and also while he was at it he put some kind of gunk in the back of the niche, not sure why he did this, vaguely remember him saying something about a possible leak, I think he thought it was leaking where the wires went through the back of the niche, so unfortunately at this point the wires won’t even budge. My son is a pool man and he said if it is glued in there the whole niche could have to be replaced… NOT happening
So, I took the light apart and I’m in the process of trying to find parts to rebuild the light, the glass is fine and the fixture itself looks ok … a little water corosion inside the fixture but WD40 seems to have cleaned that right up. It is an American Products fixture, the glass says LG5384, and Haleo 300W-12V pool & spa is printed on the bulb. Could you help me to locate the replacement parts that I need? The ring on the face of the fixture, the rubber seal, and the bulb need to be replaced. I have pictures if you need to see what it looked like.
Thanks for all your help!!!
Hello Valerie - Once we identify the model of the light we can point you in the direction of the parts. You can post pictures directly to this forum. What is the outside diameter measurement of the light’s face ring?

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The measurements of the face ring is about 10" across outside to outside of the ring, and about 7.25 across the inside. let me know if you need more measurements.
Thanks so much for your help!!
Also how can i test the fixture to be sure it is still working … can i put any kind of bulb in there and turn it on just to be sure the fixture is still good before I put money into trying to fix it??
Thanks again!!
Hello Valerie - It looks like an old American Products Amerlite. We carry all of the available Amerlite parts at INYOpools.com. You can check the line continuity to test the fixture. A pool light may have up to 200 feet of wire running from the power source to the fixture. Within that length of cable, there may be a fault in a junction, the line or the fixture. Checking line continuity is the process of finding the source of a fault incircuit. Again this task can be done with the handy dandy multimeter. We will be starting from a point in which we assume you have already checked the GFCI and breaker as mentioned earlier in this piece.
- Set the multimeter to read for 120 or 12 volt range for proper readings.
- Measure line voltage at junction box. A junction box is the point at which multiple electrical device cables can be joined to one main line. Not all applications utilize a junction so this step may not apply. If the junction reads 0 then the main line leading to box is malfunctioning. Have an electrician inspect and install a new main line from box to breaker.
- Remove fixture from niche, then remove bulb from fixture, touch multimeter leads to fixture socket for reading. If the meter reads 0 from the socket, the fixture is dead and needs to be completely replaced.
Hopefully this answers your questions. Thank you for shopping with INYOpools.com!
Well, I’m not an electrician but it looks to me like the fixture itself is bad, which means changing the whole light and wiring… I know it was working when I first put it up on the pool deck but doesnt seem to be now. There is no way to change just the light and the wiring is sealed in the back of the niche. The house is up for sale (or will be soon) I guess this is something the new owner will have to deal with if they want a light under the water. Can I just disconnect the wiring for the light at the junction box to avoid any problems and cap off the niche??
Thanks for your help.
I’m not sure if it would pass a home inspection but you could disconnect the light from the junction box and cap off the niche.
Thank you for all your help. Not sure what to do at this point, I guess when my mom sells the house it will get figured out.
We have the complete Amerlite pool lights if you need one of those. Good luck!