Hey I just replace my saltwater cell , but my display screen doesn’t show anything, it’s like when it’s off, but my power light is on and the Generating light is also on , the display screen is blank
Although the power lite and generating light are functioning, I’d check the seven pins from the main board to the display board just to make sure that they are seated properly - one pin per hole. I’d also check pins 2 and 4 (from left to right) for a range of 3 to 5 VDC. If all pins are seated properly and pins 2 and 4 measure within range then I’d consider changing the display board. I’ve added links to the Tech Guides (pdf’s) for both the AquaRite and AquaTrol which would have the same display board. If the voltage from pins 2 and 4 is below 3 or above 5 then it would be best to trace that voltage problem back to the wiring to the board from the rectifiers, continuing through the rectifiers back to the transformer, and past the transformer to the main power, until determining the fault.