Esther Williams Deck/Coping removal

Need to remove first layer of deck any advice? I have othe pics, as a new user cannot upload more than one.

Hi Matthew, you should be able to post more pictures now.

The older Esther Williams pools generally do not need the deck removed to replace the liner (the EW liners have a special bead - this webpage shows the different types of liner beads available). Does your pool have the Esther Williams bead?

It does have the bead but a tree damaged the deck, i have a welder fabricator to fix it but need to bring it to him.

I’m so sorry to see the damage to your pool. Those can be tough to remove but, as long as you have access to underneath the deck, it shouldn’t be too bad. I haven’t seen one of those decks in a long time and can’t recall how they come apart…