After replacing the grids and the outlet elbow O ring in a Hayward DE4820, everything else looks OK no cracks on the Top collar manifold or the outlet elbow, but DE keeps going back to the pool.
Any help sincerely appreciated
After replacing the grids and the outlet elbow O ring in a Hayward DE4820, everything else looks OK no cracks on the Top collar manifold or the outlet elbow, but DE keeps going back to the pool.
Any help sincerely appreciated
Is the DE returning through the return jets or is it coming through the main drain or skimmer when the pump shuts off?
The DE is returning to the pool through the return jets, just a few minutes after the pump starts running, and when I turn it off, I see some white powder coming back to the Strainer Basket in the pump.
I am not an expert, but I am taking care of those filters for the last 15 years replacing them for new ones once, and I never got a problem like this.
I’ll appreciate your help, thanks.
The DE returning to the pool through the return jets could be the result of a bad seal in the filter valve.
The DE returning through the strainer basket in the pump is a sign of a leak on the suction or pressure side of the system. When the pump shuts off, air is getting into the lines and the system is draining back to the pool. Common issues on the suction side are the pump lid o-ring, diverter valve o-rings, or union o-rings.
On the pressure side, it can be the filter valve o-ring, union o-ring, or fitting. Pressure side leaks will usually leak water when the pump is running.