In need of the correct part numbers to replace the motor bearings and pump seal on my Hayward Tristar VS model SP3202VSPND pool pump. The motor is a Century M48AA93A04. 230VAC, 1.85THP unit. Appreciate your assistance.
Hi PoolMonster,
Could you let us know if your pump is connected to an Indoor control system where you can turn the pump on and off and change speeds from an indoor controller, handheld remote or cell phone? If so do you know which system you have (i.e. Hayward Aqualogic, Prologic, Jandy AquaLink, Pentair, etc…)? Or is your pump controlled by a standard pool timer that is outside?
I have a Hayward “On Command” control system that controls the speed of my pump. The “On Command” control panel is located outside near the pool pump and it does have a remote control speed option from a hand held wireless portable key pad. My pump does not have a local operator adjustable speed control panel on the pump.
Looking to just replace the motor bearings, pump mechanical seal and pump casing seal “O” Rings at this time.
I have a Hayward “On Command” control system that controls the speed of my pump. The “On Command” control panel is located outside near the pool pump and it does have a remote control speed option from a hand held wireless portable key pad. My pump does not have a local operator adjustable speed control panel on the pump.
Looking to just replace the motor bearings, pump mechanical seal and pump casing seal “O” Rings at this time.
Hi PoolMonster,
Unfortunately, we do not sell the bearings for Variable Speed Pool Motors. We did put together this Video on Can You Replace the Bearings in a Variable Speed Pool Pump Motor which you may find helpful. We are currently out of stock for the season on the replacement motor which will interface with the On Command (I believe most pool retailers are), meaning you can control the speeds of your pump from the On Command. We do have this Century 1.65 HP Variable Speed Replacement Motor in stock, however this motor you would program all of the speeds directly on the onboard controller of the motor, and then your On-Command would power the motor on and off and then the programming you set on the onboard controller on the motor would take over from there. We would suggest this Tri-Star Seal Kit when replacing your motor. We did put together this Video on How to Replace a Variable Speed Pool Pump Motor which you may find helpful when you tackle this project.