Choosing Between Hayward 125k and 140k Pool Heaters

I have an 18x33 above ground and live on Long Island.  I was looking into pool heaters, specifically the Hayward 125k and the 140k. Would you recommend one over the other and what other connections/equiptment is necessary to purchase to have a functioning system other then the electric.

Hello Mulvey - If you answer the following question we can run a heat pump audit and determine the correct btu size.

What temperature would you like to maintain (82 -85 degrees is standard)?

What is the average depth of the pool?

Do you have high wind conditions (Do you live on a lake, ocean, open field which receives winds over 20 MPH Consistently)?

Will the heat pump receive direct, partial or no sunlight?

Will you be using a solar blanket?

The standard temperature is fine, no lake/wind conditions and 52-54" deep.

Do I need to purchase valves and is 2" pvc required.

Based on your pool size and location, the HP21254T would be the appropriately sized heat pump. That is the 125k btu model.

You can use 2" pvc for the plumbing but it’s not required. A lot of customers use 1.5" as well. We would recommend installing a check valve if you have an inline chlorinator. The heat pump would be installed after the filter and before the chlorinator. A check valve would need to be installed between the heat pump and chlorinator.