I woudl like to add a waterfall to my existing 15x30 pool avg depth of 4’ with 1.5" PVC for skimmer, bottom skimmer and the side feed for a vaccum. There are three returns all T’d off a 1.5". I happen to have a 3.4hp variable speed high head Intek pump and I have moved equipement about 40’. I ran the additional lines using 1 1/2 to 2" fittigns and then ran 2". So I would like to add a 3’ wide sheer waterfall that is about 4’ high. I added a separate 2" feed for the waterfall back to filter area. I calcualted head pressure of 23 for waterfall. I know the pump can easily handle this, in fact the specs say that at 23’ of head it can put out 190GPM on 3500rpms. It is a High Head High efficency pump.
Can I feed the waterfall and pool outputs off this pump? If so how many SF does my filter have to be? I was thinking 200sf woudl be reaosnable.I really like cartridge filters. If the filter cannot handle this much output or for soemthing more affordable, can I add a bypass valve after the pump but before the filter and then divert some of the unfiltered water just to feed the waterfall and let the rest go into filter? If thi sis the case I was thinking I can get away with a 125SF filter. I really woudl liek to use this pump as it was given to me as a trade.
Hi Rcannone,
You are on the right path here. The pump would be fine to use a filtration pump and to power your waterfall. I would go with this 200 Sq. Ft. Hayward Filter and you can run the waterfall and pool filtration through this filter. The way you have explained the plumbing for the waterfall is perfect. I would add a diverter valve on the returns so you can turn the flow to completely the pool, completly the waterfall or in a halfway position so you are getting some of the return water to the waterfalls and some back to the pool returns. Here are our Diverter Valves and here are our Pool Waterfalls. Also below is a plumbing schematic showing the diverter valve for the waterfall and pool returns which may be helpful.

I am new to this forum and saw your reply here. I have a couple questions and not sure I have all the info you need but plenty of pics along the way to draw information from. I am the GC of the job and have been building this pool for 4 years. I am concerned about the water flow for the water features we put in.
I have 2 3 HP Variable Speed pumps Pentair and I have them maxed out at 3450 RPM’s. I call them Pump 1 & 2 and I have 7 discharge spots. The pump and pool have been open now for 3 weeks and once or twice I have noticed a trickling effect in certain spots. We have adjusted the valves. Labled the locations and outputs but I am wondering if the pumps running at highest setting for 12 hours a day is harmful.
I have on Intelliflo and Screen Logic and its ok when functioning but looks off when it slowed down.
Also, my pool has 6 main drains for the Pentair Whisper Flo 1 1/2 HP pump. 2 Spa ( closed unless using spa ) 2 wall (open ) and 2 floow of pool (closed.) My pool foreman has had me have these closed for 3 weeks and the water is spotless, but he’s injured and I dont want to bug him. Should I open the main drains for the pool bottom?
I did notice that the spa, when turned on did not activate all 10 jets. He was here at the time and says he may have mis-sized the pump and says he was sorry. He says for a couple hundred $ we could buy the 2 H.P motor and that should solve the issue. I dont want “should.” Should I bite the bullet on that pump and go either VS 3 HP or at least a 3HP motor only? Wll that help. Thanks in advance and tried to give as much detal.
p.s. I am struggling to try and figure the total head for my water feature pumps, Is there anyway to add an additional pump to the system and increase flow?