We just had replace our Pentair pump and our pool turned green. My husband over shocked the pool because it turned really green. Once he put the shock in our pool turned white and cloudy. It’s been about 12 hours and it’s still the same. How can we fix this? We can’t seem to regulate our water to be able to swim. We are houston so it’s a million degrees here so that doesn’t help.
Hello Gina - Killing the algae caused the pool to turn white and cloudy. This is a normal reaction. You can use a water clarifier to help clear it up quicker.
Great. Thank you! We’ve done this before and it’s never done that. Made me a little nervous. I appreciate your help.
You’re welcome. Good luck!
Ok I just left Leslie’s with the clarifier. They said the clarifier will do no good if I have to much shock. My free chlorine is high so she said it would cancel it out. Do I need to wait until the chlorine is down before I put this in? The person said I’ve probably damaged my pool since it’s an above ground and my husband put 8 bags of shock in. They sold me clear aid clearify
The shock only brings the chlorine up high for about 24 hours. After that, you can add the clarifier.
Ok we have put in the clarifier and its been 24 hours. Our pool is very cloudy but now green. We just cant seem to get it right.
Ok weve done all of this and its still cloudy. Weve taken apart the filter as well and all is good.
What kind of filter do you have? Sand, cartridge or DE?
Sand Its a Pentair
We recommend using a product called Floc & Vac to clear the pool. This product drops all of those cloudy particles to the bottom of the pool. You can then set the filter to the waste position and vacuum the bottom of the pool.