We have an in ground pool with a sand filter and we have the following issues:
We can only vacuum with the “waste” mode. We are not able to vacuum if we use the “filter” mode.
The skimmer is not working. There is no flow of water to the pump/filter.
The skimmer basket and the pump basket are clean. It works if the filter is in "waste"mode and “backwash” mode but not in the normal “filter” mode.
There seem to be no clogs on the skimmer - pump line (but we are not sure).
WIth time the pool return jets have lost pressure.
We have not been able to detect air leaks.
What advice can you give us?
If you set the filter valve in the recirculate position and run the pump, does everything seem to work?
I set it today on the recirculate position, run the pump and it did not work. The skimmer still does not work. I have no clue what’s going on.
Is the water level of the pool at least halfway up the skimmer door opening? Are the valves that control the main drain and skimmer open? Sometimes the valves are inadvertently bumped and they partially or completely close a line. If you have any valves on the return side, check those and make sure they are open so that water can flow to the return jets.
If nothing listed above fixes the problem, you may have an issue with the multiport valve on the filter.
- The water level is correct.
- The valves are manual valves an they are open - this does not seem to be an issue.
I will look into the multiport valve on the filter. Before doing so, what parts do you recommend to have in hand before opening it?
I have the older model of the Vari-flow valve (6 screws) on a Hayward Model S-220T serial 320C27 Filter
The item you’d want for the valve is part number 4703-20. It is the top assembly for the valve.
You’re welcome. Good luck!